Order Information
Id 239
Date 23-11-2018 17:18
Payment onlinecreditcard
Pickup/Delivery delivery
Order Status
Transaction Number
Gateway Status unprocessed
Location Response reject
Final Status unprocessed
Expected Delivery Time
Restaurant Information
Location FamiLi
Province Quebec
Special instructions: Just go up to apartment #7 and knock on door. Thank you
Client's Information
First Name Simon
Last Name Locas
Phone 438-863-7435
Address 8623 Wiseman Avenue 7
City Montreal
Postal Code H3N 2P8
Door Code
Cross Street
Language en
Items Description Unit Price Quantity Total
Dinner 5
$ 0.00 1 $ 0.00
Won Ton Soup $ 0.00 1 $ 0.00
Orange Juice $ 0.00 1 $ 0.00
Special instructions:
Delivery charges $ 1.00
Subtotal $ 19.35
GST$ 0.97
PST$ 1.93
Tip $ 0.00
Order Total $ 22.25