Order Information
Id 160
Date 21-11-2018 19:03
Payment onlinecreditcard
Pickup/Delivery delivery
Order Status
Transaction Number
Gateway Status unprocessed
Location Response 45 minutes
Final Status unprocessed
Expected Delivery Time
Restaurant Information
Location Basha Monkland (NDG)
Province Quebec
Special instructions: Could you put the sauce for the pita (if no sauce, can you add some) on the side please? Thank you very much!!!
Client's Information
First Name Vincent
Last Name Morissette-Thomas
Phone 8192395571
Address 2057 Wilson 102
City Montréal
Postal Code H4A0A3
Door Code
Cross Street
Language fr
Items Description Unit Price Quantity Total
$ 0.00 2 $ 0.00
Poutine Originale
$ 0.00 1 $ 0.00
Special instructions:
Delivery charges $ 0.00
Subtotal $ 16.37
GST$ 0.82
PST$ 1.63
Tip $ 0.00
Order Total $ 18.82