Order Information
Id 10955
Date 06-07-2020 18:48
Payment onlinecreditcard
Pickup/Delivery delivery
Order Status
Transaction Number
Gateway Status unprocessed
Location Response Timeout
Final Status unprocessed
Expected Delivery Time
Restaurant Information
Location Nouilles Soupebol
Province Quebec
Special instructions: Please cook the beef in the Tonkinese Soup, thank you!
Client's Information
First Name Victoria
Last Name Lim
Email vicky.lim3108@gmail.com
Phone 5145186100
Address 20 Rue Silverpine
City Kirkland
Postal Code H9J2X7
Door Code
Cross Street
Language en
Items Description Unit Price Quantity Total
8. Beef Tonkinese Special
$ 0.00 1 $ 0.00
16. Seafood Tom Yam Noodle Soup
$ 0.00 1 $ 0.00
16. Seafood Tom Yam Noodle Soup
$ 0.00 1 $ 0.00
4. Imperial Rolls $ 0.00 1 $ 0.00
6. Hunan Dumplings $ 0.00 1 $ 0.00
Special instructions:
Delivery charges $ 4.00
Subtotal $ 47.00
GST$ 2.35
PST$ 4.69
Tip $ 0.00
Order Total $ 54.04